
Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Day ?

Thanksgiving Day is a harvest festival and traditional North American holiday on autumn. It's called ''Thanksgiving'' or '' Turkey Day'' too. Thanksgiving Day is on the second Monday of October in Canada and on the fourth Thursday of November in United States. The next day of Thursday of Thanksgiving Day, most schools and company are closed. It's called " The Day after Thaksgiving".


It's a from harvest festival. The earliest attested Thanksgiving celebration was on September 8, 1565 in now Saint Augustine, Florida./1 /2

How To Celebrate ?

American people have a meal with family. It likes Japanese "Obon". Most of all people who lives apart from their family turn to the parent's house and spend with a family or a relative or friends . Macy's ( a long-established department store in New York) sponsores Thanksgiving Parade. Many people come to see the parade from early morning. It follows more 70 years and it's one of the events that are indispensable in Thanksgiving. The huge balloon of the popular characters appears in it.